The pencil sketch is of my nephew. We were watching a movie where a monkey has a crush on a quadrapalagic and he was staying still so I decided to draw him. The colored brush is of some dude on the MTA (NYC subway).
Here I am @ SFO Airport on my way to New York. I got a couple of people in nice poses but everyone was moving so quickly the drawings had to be quick!! I will try to post a sketch a day or some kind of drawing while in NYC. One love
After I finished my Summer Head Drawing class I decided to take a little vacation to New York my Home state. I decided to sign up to the copyist program at the Met. So I did, and copied this Study Head of a Woman by Jean-Babtiste Greuze. Again, this is in Grisaille no colors really. Doing this was an incredible experience ! I loved it and there were so many people staring and talking to me, it was crazzzzyy.